Paris Hilton's Snow Bengal

We are thrilled that Paris Hilton is now the proud pet parent of Cutesie from MandysBengals!

One of our newest customers and now the proud parent of a MandysBengal is American media personality, businesswoman, model, entertainer, and socialite, Paris Hilton, who recently adopted a MandysBengal and named her Cutesie!
Cutesie is a Snow Mink Bengal cat with a lustrous coat with sparkling glitter and round rosettes on a clear snow-white background.
She is one of the cuddliest kittens we've ever bred, so Mandy did a great match-make by pairing her with Paris, who says, "My furry babies are my everything. A night cuddling with them and watching a movie is what I prefer to any other event."

We hand-delivered Cutesie to Paris' beautiful Beverly Hills home, where she is now "sliving", a word created by celebrity Paris Hilton, sliving is a blend of the slang slaying and living (your best life).
Paris, who is no stranger to exotic cats, had a Bobcat and Lynx many years ago but was looking for a tamer exotic pet and a Bengal cat was her first choice. Growing up, her parents also had a Bengal and her sister, Nicky Hilton, carried on the family tradition and currently has two Bengals.
We are proud to have Cutesie join the Hilton Pets family and will keep you updated as she experiences life as a famous Bengal Cat!